Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Plan for research project

deena larsen          
For my independent research project I have been searching through the links provided and I discovered a very neat and interesting. Deena Larsen is a creative producer who has an abundant amount of poetic and fictional based works, using flash and other tools. Clicking through some her popular works, I think that she is an extremely accomplished and creative designer, so I would mostly like to research her works because of their quality and personality and especially the consistent poetic stream. I am hoping that she is established enough for me to find research to fill the required length of the paper, and if so I will need to research her background, educational and career field. I will also need to search through her published pieces and research commentary written about her and her work. The only concern that I have with this project is the length so I can see research support and helpful references becoming a helpful aid from Anne or other students that come across any helpful links. I have also noticed that we have about 1month to write up our first draft so my plan is to take some time out of every weekend until then to research her work and to make notes for the draft itself. I hope that all goes according to plan and that I am able to find more information and work by Deena Larsen.


  1. There's LOTS online and in print about Deena Larsen, so you shouldn't have trouble finding plenty of information to help you n your writing. (Do you know how to use the library databases of information to find secondary sources about her?)

  2. I had not yet realized just how popular and/or relevant she actually was. Thank-you.
