Saturday, September 4, 2010

Letter: A

The letter A is symmetrical, moving, traditional, and in abundance. The letter A is used in words of all shapes and sizes, in sentences of all forms. A is a word within itself, which cannot be said about any other letter in the english language. A is standard and often formed with the straightest of lines and little imagination, but allows room for creativity to grow and for the lines to curve and twist. The curves can twist into the rest of the word remaining or the creative A is strong enough to stand alone. The letter A shows possibilities and style in lowercase forms and uppercase forms from my views. I find it entirely fascinating that this letter can be written like this a or as a more informal lowercase a which can also be translated into the uppercase form. I also find it fascinating that this letter is used for the @ sign. I can see the letter A rolling with curves across a page or moving around on what could function as two feet in the uppercase form. I can see this letter moving strong and solid across the page or possibly dancing along to express its spirited feeling and to involve the reader in the writing to be appreciated.

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